Associate members Member News

Increased number of monthly physiotherapy sessions for people with MS in Greece


Thanks to the continuous effort of the Hellenic Federation of Persons with MS, the Greek National Health Care Provider (EOPYY) increased the “monthly physiotherapy sessions available per year for Multiple Sclerosis patients with physical disabilities up to eight (8) occasions”.

The Greek ministerial decision will be implemented soon and entails adaptation of the national electronic prescribing system and the implementation of the above-mentioned provision. This regulatory breakthrough means that people who have chronic diseases and have demonstrable disabilities will now have access to more physiotherapy sessions. A big help for Greek MS patients who previously could only make use of ten sessions every 6 months for a period of no longer than two years.

In chronic diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, physiotherapy sessions are especially important in promoting activity and exercise for people with MS on a permanent basis. They not only help to maintain mobility but can help prevent further deterioration. The physiotherapist is part of the medical team that plans the treatment and rehabilitation strategy of MS patients.

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